Monday, November 23, 2015

Infinite DC - Sneak Peek!

            She was relieved to escape the busy Chinatown street corner, once she was inside what could only be an antique store. Thanks to the translation circuits in her T.A.R.D.I.S., she knew this for certain, as the Chinese symbols imprinted on the entrance door deciphered as “Wing’s Antiques.”

            The shop was lit by an assortment of candles. Most of the antiques were almost as old as she was. Some of it she recognized from visits to time periods on Earth with the Doctor. An ancient gold dragon chalice here and a samurai sword there. If she had the money, she would purchase the chalice and find a place for it in the console room as a memento. She foresaw many of them to come in her new journey ahead.

            At the moment of her arrival, Mr. Wing – the elderly shopkeeper – was engaged in an argument with his grandson, a boy who looked to heavily embrace the American culture with his New York Yankees baseball cap.

            “You should not have sold Mogwai to inventor,” Wing told his grandson.

            “But, Grandfather, we made two hundred dollars out of him!”

            “Mogwai dangerous to society. Just listen.”

            Wing turned up the volume on an old radio just near them.

            Candace’s ears perked at the unusual broadcast: calls of strange creatures terrorizing a town named Kingston Falls. At first, the radio D.J. believed the calls to be a hoax, inappropriate to the Christmas season, until he himself was attacked on-air by one of the creatures.

            “You see the danger that comes in irresponsibility over Mogwai?” Wing scolded to his grandson. “It must be brought back here, where it safe.”

            Admittedly, curiosity got the better of Candace.

            “I’ll get this Mogwai for you, sir,” she said, making her presence there known to Wing and his grandson. His eyes, mismatched in color with one pale blind eye and the other dark brown, centered on her. She stiffened like a board from the judgmental glare they gave. “You can trust me,” she added, hoping to change his expression.

            Wing’s demeanor did shift to slight amusement, chuckling at Candace’s assurance.

            “Trust what caused misfortune,” he said. “Trust betrayed by inventor…and grandson. They do with Mogwai what society has done with all of nature’s gifts: they do not understand.”

            Candace snickered. “Tell me about it. A prime example in the corruption of Earth humans.”

            Her intriguing statement drew much interest in Wing, his focus on the middle-aged woman growing with more intent. He approached her, shadowed by her distinguishing height. She was rather fit for her age, her biceps stretching the sleeves of her long red knitted coat. She had the appearance of a fierce warrior, even in her beautifully aging face.

            But there was something more that caught Wing’s eye.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

World of Disney 5 - What's Coming?

Firstly, HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY TO WORLD OF DISNEY! The series first began on with the prologue to the first installment of this series on April 16, 2010! If you haven't yet read it, check it out here!

Now onto the business at hand...

Although the fourth installment of the World of Disney series has yet to make its debut, the fifth one is currently in early development for a possible Summer 2016 release online. Here's a taste of all that you can expect to see in WOD5 next year...

1. Meet the New Heroine - Vanessa!

Inspired by and based on the talented voice actress Vanessa Marshall (the voice behind memorable characters like Irwin from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Mary Jane Watson in The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Hera Syndulla of Star Wars Rebels), Vanessa will be the primary protagonist of WOD5 based on the remarkable talents she brings to the characters she has portrayed in animation, as well as her true-life character. She has been introduced already in World of Disney 3 as a reincarnation of the series' secondary hero, Sean Thomas, and has even shared scenes with her Rebels character, Hera. Vanessa's character brings a delicate balance of humor and drama to the story with her quirky, unpredictable persona and her warm, loving heart. WOD5 is the second of many future installments to come in the series that centers on Vanessa as the main character (other planned stories include Marvel Evolution, the 2016 sequel to Marvel Mayhem, and Tales from the Battlefront, a miniseries that follows World of Disney 3, set to debut online this December - just in time for Star Wars: The Force Awakens). The origins of her rebirth will be explored in The Disney Access.

2. New and Old Amalgamated Reincarnations Enter the Mix

First introduced in the seventh chapter of Marvel Mayhem, "amalgamated reincarnations" are reincarnations that have fused with a version of Sean Thomas from an alternate timeline, sharing his body and thoughts (think of the DC Comics character Firestorm) but appearing in their own form. In WOD5, we will be introduced to the 120th amalgamated reincarnation self-named "Marcia" (based on and inspired by athlete/model Marcia Olsen-White), born from an incident that occurs in The Disney Access. Being an alter-ego of Sean Thomas, Marcia retains much of his sense of compassion, bravery, and common sense, yet she inherits a bit of narcissism, due to the empowering physique that she also inherits from her reincarnation. Much of the humor (and conflict) in WOD5 stems from Marcia and her strong desire to prove herself as a "tough girl" (at the behest of the voice of Sean Thomas himself reasoning to her in her mind). She takes on Valkyrie-styled armor at times of battle (based on suggestion from Marcia Olsen-White, who is of Norse ancestry). Paired with Vanessa, the two opposite reincarnations find that their strength is fueled by the love they share for Sean's grandson, Benji. Much like Vanessa's, Marcia's character is planned to appear in subsequent stories, including Marvel Evolution.

Also, returning for what will be her fourth appearance in the series, is Natalie Nicole, who was introduced as the very first amalgamated reincarnation in Marvel Mayhem. Natalie has quickly become my personal favorite character to write in the series, with so much story to tell in her character and her struggle in dealing with dual identities, which hinders the life her "better half" (Sean Thomas) wishes to have with his wife and child. Meanwhile, the real Natalie has been a wonderful support for her character and the WOD series as a whole. Fun fact: she is also an actress, appearing in films such as Final Destination IV, Disney/Touchstone's Wild Hogs, and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Her independent film from 2011, Free Spirits, is a must-see!

3. JeniLynn Finally Makes Her Return!

After making her surprise appearance in the climax of Tales of the Disneyverse, the "ultimate amalgamated reincarnation" self-named "JeniLynn" (based on and inspired by Disney Parks analyst JeniLynn Knopp) will return in WOD5. Unfortunately, she won't quite be herself, mentally living under the persona of "Moxie," a gangster-style patron who works at the Ink and Paint Club in the 1930s setting of Who Framed Roger Rabbit (see #6 below). The "Moxie" character is based on one Knopp performed at Capone's, a 1930s Chicago-themed restaurant in Kissimmee, Florida. She retired the character once she retired from her performances, but now Moxie will make her presence known next year in WOD5 as the alternate identity of JeniLynn. The story will also jump into the question of whether or not JeniLynn can exist as her own reincarnation, a fusion of all the lives Sean Thomas has lived as Guardian of the Disneyverse, or something else entirely.

4. Joanie Navarro-Thomas Will Be Back, Too...Sort Of!

Our faithful hero who began the epic journey far back in the first World of Disney story has been through quite a bit - she has died three times, she once lost her power to her mother (but got them back in the end), faced countless threats within the Disneyverse, battled the most fearsome of Disney Villains, and a lot of other stuff that goes too far into spoiler territory. Speaking of which, the following details on Joanie's return in WOD5 contain MAJOR SPOILERS, so read on with precaution...

Still with me? O.K. Here goes...

In The Marvelous World: World of Disney 2, it was revealed that Joanie had passed on and was reborn into a new body (named "Gigi" by the story's secondary protagonist, Agent Sean Livingston). Ultimately, Gigi herself died, and it was believed Joanie had a short-lived time in her reincarnation cycle, unlike her son Sean Thomas (who has reincarnated in several forms - both original and amalgamated). This isn't the case, however, as "Terr Essa" - Joanie's second reincarnation (a Jedi Master in the Star Wars universe) - is introduced in World of Disney 3. In her final moments of realizing what she really is, Terr Essa reincarnates into a third form that will go on to be named "Taryn" (based on and inspired by Taryn Hendler - photograph above) and play a huge role in saving Fantasia from its imminent destruction.

Coming off her time-twisted adventure in The Disney Access, Taryn will be featured alongside the main heroes of WOD5, still possessing the memories and thoughts of the groovy purple-haired woman she once used to be while keeping the future generations of her family in check.

5. Reunions Through Past Characters and Projects

While WOD5 will feature new faces, it will also feature some other familiar ones as well with Brandy Wine (returning from her role in the very first World of Disney story) and Jatniel Gonzalez (who I have previously worked with in the Disney Ghostbusters series from 2008 to 2014). The two are featured in WOD5 as a married couple and the parents of Benji. Controversy arises in the fact that Brandy (who is Caucasian) and Jatniel (who is Hispanic) have given birth to an African-American child, which is due to a trait in the family lineage of the Thomas family, in which (every now and then) there is a child born strictly from the genes of the one who began the line (in this case, that one being Tomas, a character introduced in World of Disney 3 and the great-grandfather of Benji). While the family has coped with this diversity over the years Benji has existed, another obstacle finds its way in their path when Benji shows to possess another genetic trait - one he inherits from his grandfather, who in turn inherited it from his mother and Benji's great-grandmother - that is introduced in The Disney Access and explored further in WOD5. Despite this drama, there is much humor and fun to be found from the roles Brandy and Jatniel play in the story, most of it from their interactions with Vanessa, Natalie and Marcia, who each represent sides of the man they call father and father-in-law. This, as well as Jatniel's inability to understand 20th century slang or pop culture references.

Although WOD5 is the first story to feature Jatniel as a major character, he has already made his first appearance as a minor character in World of Disney 3, alongside both Marcia and Benji, their presences providing somewhat of a preview to their characters, much like Vanessa's has.

6. Three Huge Disney Properties Will Be Featured

The first three World of Disney stories have each featured some type of property that The Walt Disney Company owns as the primary setting: World of Disney had the Muppets, The Marvelous World: World of Disney 2 had the Marvel Universe, and World of Disney 3 currently has the Star Wars Universe. While The Disney Access is only set to return to the Muppet universe for now (its story going back to the stage set in the very first), WOD5 will have its hands full with not one, not two, but three worlds based on Disney properties.

The world of Who Framed Roger Rabbit functions as the main setting for the first half of WOD5's plot with Judge Doom (the film's villain, played by the brilliant Christopher Lloyd) as the main antagonist, following in the evil footsteps of Snow White's Evil Queen, Doctor Facilier, Darth Vader, and Pete. Roger Rabbit's setting is an extension in the overall theme of The Disney Access, the plot of which centers on the question of if the real world and animated world can ever coexist. It will not be the same story as we know from the 1988 film, which saw the animated characters living among the live-action ones freely. Instead, they are segregated and forced to live within their own boundaries; this, of course, being the drive in Judge Doom's sinister plot, which is the opposite of that from the movie, intending to give a home for the toons rather than take it from them while eradicating the human population piece-by-piece. The Dip still plays a part in the story, only not in favor of Doom, who will invent yet another wicked device against humans called "The Face Eater," the functions of which will push WOD5's family-friendly rating.

In addition to the racism towards toons expressed in the 1940s setting of Roger Rabbit, typical racism will also be shown particularly towards Benji, a 21st century child who does not fully comprehend the concept of despising one for their skin color (neither that for a living cartoon), as well as Natalie, whose genetic makeup is Native American.

For the first time ever in the World of Disney series, the world of Kingdom Hearts gets intermingled with the plot of WOD5 as the franchise's hero Sora finds his way into the adventure undertaken by Vanessa, Marcia, Brandy, Jatniel, Natalie, Taryn, and Benji. The involvement of KH adds an interesting dimension (literally) to not just the story but the WOD series as a whole, as it will explore the idea of a universe parallel to the Disneyverse, meaning that many Disney characters introduced in previous stories are reintroduced by their KH counterparts, including Donald and Goofy. How will the Keyblade Wielder react to the Guardian of the Disneyverse (and vice versa)? You'll have to read to find out.

Last but certainly not least, another Disney property that has made a name for itself in exploring countless worlds based on Disney known as Once Upon a Time will find our main characters journeying into its world in the second half of WOD5's plot with Storybrooke as the main setting. With Lost playing a vital role in World of Disney and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. playing one in the WOD spinoff Marvel Mayhem, OUAT will be the third Disney-ABC television show that plays a part in a World of Disney story. How it will is still in development, but you can count on Emma Swan having a strong connection to Sora and Vanessa (two other saviors) that will lead into a bigger story to come after WOD5.

Which brings us to...

7. World of Disney 6?

As I stated in a previous blog, the World of Disney series is one that can move on for eternity. But what story can follow up on the juggernaut that will be World of Disney 5? It really depends on how WOD5 ends with the Once Upon a Time world involved. By the point of its introduction, our heroes will have gone so deep down the rabbit hole of parallel universes that their next mission will certainly be to return to their own home and time. Yet how will that go down? Let's first see through The Disney Access and World of Disney 5 both we cross that bridge.

To all those who have read the stories out of the World of Disney series in the last five years, thank you! Here's to another five down the road!

Be sure to check in to the Facebook page for more updates!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Star Wars Rebels = The Ultimate Cure for Coping with Loss

Last week, I lost my father - Benjamin Thomas Livingston - after complications following his triple bypass surgery. The experience has left a profound effect on my family, as we've been coping with this loss in different ways. My mother has been hit the hardest by it for completely understandable reasons but has remained strong throughout. As for myself, I have found solace in the fact that my father is no longer in the pain he was, neither is he suffering from being in a catatonic state due to his surgery. This and several friends who I consider like family to me sending comfort in condolences, prayers, and love - one of these friends being Miss Vanessa Marshall.

Last month, Vanessa sent my mother an autographed photo of her character Hera from the Disney XD program Star Wars Rebels - a super-kind gesture that has not since been forgotten among my family. The day that the photograph arrived in the mail, it was my father who got it first and gave it to my mother to open (she had no idea at the time what it was because I wanted to keep it secret a whole 23 days before Christmas). At the time, I was a little disappointed that I had not gotten to the package first and my mother opened her gift earlier than expected, but I'm thankful for it now because my father got to see how great of a friend I have in Vanessa.

Vanessa has been an amazing support in my life in the last eight months we've followed each other on Twitter and befriended over Facebook. She is more than a talented actress and celebrity; she is a very kind-hearted woman who has continued to bring a smile on my mother's face, even in this time of tragedy for my family. While my father was in recovery from his surgery, I asked Vanessa to keep him in her prayers, and she did just that (I sincerely believe hers were the strongest among the many I received). But our Heavenly Father called on my father's spirit at a time when his body could no longer bear the agony he has gone through in the time prior to his surgery.

The morning following that restless night me and my mother spent hours after my father passed away, "Idiot's Array" - the episode of Rebels that aired on my father's last night on Earth - rebroadcasted on Disney XD. I was in and out of sleep, and so was my mother, so I decided to leave it on the channel to watch the episode. Watching it brought some ease over my mother, and she eventually drifted off to sleep. Now I know that normally when someone falls asleep watching a program is sign of said program being "boring," but, in this case, Rebels (a show that my mother loves dearly) helped her to find peace enough to rest, following the loss of her husband/my father.

Star Wars Rebels is an incredible show, not only because of the amazing cast and characters, but the story as well. Since I first saw Star Wars in late 1996 on VHS, I have loved virtually every movie, video game, comic book, or TV show that has been made from the franchise. My mother has been a longer fan than I, having lived through the age of both the original trilogy and the prequels (she's very much looking forward to the next installment, coming this December). She loves the character Hera, who she has a commonality with (rightfully so, since Hera is considered the mother of the Ghost crew), as well as the voice (beautifully done by Vanessa). A couple of nights ago, I caught her (fully consciously) watching "Idiot's Array," which she was able to get around to checking out after such a heavy week of making arrangements for my father's funeral, which we held last Saturday. It was the most relaxed I have seen her all week.

Rebels is more than just a show for my mother and me these days; it is a sign that the days ahead of us, without the comfort of my father's physical presence near us, are going to be just fine. In retrospect, the show's main players (Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb, and especially Ezra) have all lost someone in their lives but found each other through hope. They are a family all of their own. There's a scene at the end of the pilot episode in which Kanan listens to a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi. My brother, who turns 39 this Saturday, mentioned how my father is like Obi-Wan, a wise old warrior that has become a spirit that still guides us in the afterlife. Ironically, both men's nicknames are "Old Ben." ;-)

For the cast and crew of Star Wars Rebels that get a chance to read this blog, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such an excellent show that has helped a mother and her son cope with the loss of a loved one.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Case of the Weird & Wonderful: Wicked Vengeance (w/ World of Disney 3 Sneak Peek!)

Wicked Vengeance
            Halloween in my family had not always been fun, but it certainly has been interesting – all because of the certain paranoia of my dear little sister. When she was thirteen, the proper teen-age to consider cutting any ties to the tradition of trick-or-treating, rather than go out to get candy from random strangers, she insisted on going out on a case close to midnight (mind you, it was a school night). I can’t exactly recall what the case was about (something along the lines of a serial killer who wore a “pumpkin helmet” and went by the moniker “Jack the Lantern” – yes, that is a play on “Jack the Ripper”). Sammi, my sister, has the most incredible imagination when it comes to virtually everything, especially the holidays. There is this infamous story about a certain Christmas...but more on that later.
            Right now, I want to tell you about a case we took just recently for Halloween. It all began with this little fella named Dante, an 8-year-old Salem, Massachusetts African American child who sought out the help of Sammi and me through our special website (“”). Poor Dante has had it rough since the last Halloween. As boys do, he was dared into a situation that he had zero accomplishment in. The dare was orchestrated by friends of his older teenage brother (Darren) that involved Dante spending three straight hours alone in a cottage situated in the cemetery where the Sanderson sisters once lived. Yes, those Sanderson Sisters – Winifred, Mary, and Sarah (I believe they made a movie about them back in the 90s – can’t remember what it’s called – “Abracadabra,” I think).
            Stories have spread across town of the cottage still being occupied by the sisters, who dabbled in serious witchcraft back in 1693. Almost all of these stories Dante had heard, and he believed every word. Taking advantage of his developed paranoia, Darren’s friends (Zack, Cameron, and J.K.) told Dante to stay in the cottage and not step foot out of it until his three hours were up (How low is that?). Not even Darren was allowed to be with his poor little brother in the cottage, but he was allowed to accompany him to the cemetery (at least these boys still had morals about an 8-year-old being in a cemetery at night).
            Unfortunately, Dante never made it past the front steps and lost the dare. His punishment: being forced to wear a Jack-O-Lantern costume every day to school and everywhere else, including his own home, until he reached his senior year (just reflecting on this part of the story makes my blood boil). He had become the butt of many jokes all over his elementary school with a few kids pointing to him and yelling “Punk-in-costume.” The cruelty of children has not changed a bit since the days when I was in school.
            A week before the next Halloween (and the one-year anniversary of the dare he lost to), Dante decided to skip school and go back to the cemetery, facing the Sandersons’ centuries-old cottage with immense trepidation as he stood alone in a dense fog. Once every month, he came to the cemetery to face the cottage, mustering the courage to enter. Each visit was a step closer to the cottage, until he was practically a step away from the front porch. During one visit, he was just about to succeed in his goal of entering the ancient structure all by himself, but then something incredibly bizarre happened: the entire cottage vibrated and shook! Now, at this point in the story, I can tell what you – my faithful reader – are thinking. A cottage can’t possibly move unless there’s an earthquake – and there are no earthquakes in Salem. Well, I thought the same thing when Dante told this to Sammi and me. But I’m getting ahead of myself – let me continue where I left off...
            Having just neared the point of maintaining bravery, Dante was resorted to the scared child he was on his first night at the cemetery and ran from the shaking cottage (and out of the cemetery altogether). Thankfully, he ran right into the waiting arms of his brother, who had to skip school himself just to check on Dante – and also yell at him. As it turned out, word spread quickly about Dante’s visit to the cemetery and eventually got around to Darren...and their parents. Needless to say, the two boys were thoroughly scolded and punished by them. No phones, television, PlayStation, or Internet for a month and – worst of all – no trick-or-treating. Although Darren had gotten too old to trick-or-treat (that punishment was more for Dante), he was plenty pissed over all the other restrictions set by his folks. Dante, on the other hand, could not care less what his parents said he can or cannot do; he had to go back to the cemetery and conquer his fear.
            Breaking one of the restrictions (no Internet), Dante used his dad’s office room computer one day after school to engage in a Skype chat with Sammi (from our website). Apparently, he learned about her through a news broadcast his parents watched on one of the cases that made Sammi and me famous (a supposedly-haunted Volkswagen Beetle with the number 53 on its front hood – I’ll have a story to tell on this another time). The chat between Sammi and Dante did not go down as pleasantly as Dante (and myself, for that matter) had hoped. I’m not proud to admit it, but my sister can be quite cold and inhuman in the way she addresses other, more civil people. It didn’t matter if you were Black, White, Asian, tall, short, gay, straight, smart, dumb, or any distinctive characteristic - she will treat you the same way as she treats me (even on her good days) - as if you didn’t matter to her universe.
            Poor little Dante received the worst of the worst from Sammi in that particular Skype chat. She berated him for losing the dare that led to his daily wear of the Jack-O-Lantern costume - something that she had deduced before Dante even told her. Luckily, I was in the adjacent room of our apartment in San Francisco’s Chinatown District (located one story above “Miss Chung’s Lo Mein Shop”), watching the latest episode of Scandal, when I heard Dante crying loudly from his end of the Skype connection. Responding as quickly as I could to the situation, I rushed into the living room (our nice little section reserved for our computer activities with a lovely antique desk that contrasts with the high-tech Apple computer that sits upon it) and – in every literal sense of the word – pushed Sammi aside to come into Dante’s view.
            “It’s alright, hon. The mean ol’ lady’s gone. I’m here now.” I told him, at the exact moment I took over the chat. “What’s the matter?”
            “‘Mean old lady?’ Seriously?” Sammi snarled at me, while her butt sat firmly on the cold hardwood floor.
            After giving her the proper shush she deserved, I returned to looking at the computer screen that Dante’s tear-drenched face was still displayed on. “Hey, hey, now. It’s O.K.” As I sat there, comforting this poor child, I realized that we had not been properly introduced to each other. “My name’s Angela. I’m the mean ol’ lady’s nice ol’ sister. What’s your name?”
            “Dante,” he told me, after a few sniffs. He seemed to have opened up to me pretty fast – much faster than I’d assumed he did with Sammi, before she blew it with her abruptness.
            “You have a really cool name, Dante.” I wasn’t just being the typical over-complimentary adult here; I legitimately appreciated this little kid’s name. “Tell me, Dante. What do you want us to help you with?”
            He shared his story with us, leading up to the moment of our chat, and finally asked for our help in solving the mystery behind the “living” cottage.
            Sammi stood up firmly, clasping her hands behind her. “Your case intrigues me, Monte.”
            “Dante.” I corrected her through gritted teeth.
            “Yes. Dante. I’ll accept your case. It’s the perfect holiday caper. My sister and I will leave for Salem in the morning.”
            I smiled at the webcam, expressing my excitement for Dante. “That sounds cool, doesn’t it, Dante?”
            Dante smiled back but looked mostly in gratitude to Sammi. “Thank you, ma’am.”
            Sammi, on the other hand, showed no acknowledgment to the boy’s gratefulness, her back facing the camera. Of course, after a swift kick to the shin (delivered by yours truly), she finally said in a frustrated voice, “You’re welcome.”
            Dante closed the chat before I did. Once we were disconnected, I didn’t hesitate to begin scolding my sister for her treatment of our newest client. “Goodness gracious, Sammi. He’s only eight. Give him a break.”
            “And that, dear sister, is the most intriguing aspect of the case. Prepubescent children have the wildest of imaginations.”
            There are times like this when I just really want to punch her in the face.
            She can speak from experience on children having “wild imaginations,” having had one herself when she was one. Remember that story I promised to share about our Christmas? Well, here’s a nice segue to it. Back in the Christmas of ‘94, when we were living in our dreamy suburban house in Malibu, Sammi sat and waited for Santa Claus by the fireplace in our living room. She was around the same age as Dante then, and her sweet, innocent nature had not yet been tarnished by the event that occurred that eventful evening. I had been sleeping upstairs in the bedroom Sammi and I normally shared. Our folks and I awoke to screaming around 4 a.m. We rushed as fast as possible to the living room and found Sammi screaming at the fireplace. Due to the unusual register of her scream, it was difficult to tell if it was in fear or something else entirely. All I knew was that I would never in my life forget how it sounded - never had I heard my sister scream so terrifyingly. The next morning, Christmas Day, whereas we were supposed to be in a festive mood, we were concerned for Sammi, who we spent nine hours trying to convince that Santa Claus was not a slim, brown-haired man with a sour attitude (a description that strongly fit the advertising executive Scott Calvin, who our father once worked for before Mr. Calvin mysteriously disappeared). Sammi remained unconvinced and was pretty upset by our accusations of her making the whole thing up. I remember our mother (a child psychologist) stating the exact words that Sammi herself said about Dante.
            Since that day, Sammi had undergone several sessions with my mother and many of her colleagues, each one noting an increasing change in her personality. I noticed it as well (and I’m no psychologist). The joyful, carefree little girl I knew as my sister was no more. Standing in her place was this cold, unfeeling woman who dedicated her life to studying the unsolved mysteries of the world and even trying to solve them herself. It started as just a phase (as our parents called it), stemmed from her visit by the “Faux Santa,” but – as she got older – it snowballed into an unhealthy obsession that negatively impacted her social life. And it appeared that the less open she became, the more her intelligence had increased, receiving straight A’s all through middle and high schools. She attended college at 17, but it only lasted a year. Sammi was committed to a mental institution one night, after attempting to investigate a “strange happening” that occurred in Szalinski Tech. The only thing that kept her from serving a lengthy sentence in prison was to plead a case of insanity.
            Seven whole years she spent in that mental institution, surrounded by heaven knows what type of people. Once she was out, I took it upon myself to take care of her – keep her from making the same mistake that landed her in the asylum. But Sammi was persistent, still going after these impossible, unsolvable cases and trying to play detective (Did I mention she once pursued a degree in criminology?). I spoke to Mom, finding out what I could do to stop this craziness and get my sister back. Unfortunately, there was no solution she could prove – except to allow Sammi to go after these, as she put it, “weird and wonderful cases,” since it gives her a sense of the freedom she needed after seven years in the institution. So I set Sammi off the leash and let her investigate wherever and whenever she wanted (we often traveled the globe with funds provided by Dad’s hefty severance package from his job, subsequent to Calvin’s disappearance, that included a quarter of a million dollars). We solved so many cases all over the world that the media eventually caught attention to our activities (especially the Volkswagen one I mentioned earlier). Even though I consider questioning my sister and her beliefs, I have to admit that being with her on these unusual cases has made me respect this new woman she became all those years ago, despite being a heartless witch at times.
            But enough of family history – let’s get back to our story...
            The next day, on the eve of Halloween, we arrived in Salem and showed up to Dante’s house, using the address he emailed to us shortly after our Skype chat. We expected Dante to be the one to answer the door once we ran the bell; however, it was Darren who answered and was rightfully surprised by our presence. That surprise was soon replaced with a whole different type of emotion the minute he glanced in my direction. At the time, it did not occur to me that he was doing it, but Darren was scoping me out big time. I should have known better than to come dressed in skinny jeans, brown boots, a blue wool jacket, and a cleavage-heavy grey t-shirt to a home of a teenage boy with raging hormones.
            Once he did manage to get his hormones in check, Darren defiantly told us, “My parents told us that we’re not allowed to invite strangers. You’re gonna have to...”
            The front door was closing on us, yet my sister – ever the persistent one (even at the age of 27) – barged right in, slamming the door against Darren’s face. While I checked on him to see if he was alright, Sammi moved to the center of the foyer and yelled, “Dante! DANTE!” Her voice echoed throughout the luxurious and blindingly white home of our little client. Dante and Darren certainly came from a well-provided family. I don’t think I’d ever stepped foot in a suburban home so glamorous since ours in Malibu.
            Dante ran down the flight of stairs across from the foyer. His pumpkin costume bounced in sequence to the rush of energy he displayed while making his way to us. If it were not for the unsettling nature behind that costume, I would have found it cute on him. Aw, who am I kidding – he looked cute regardless! He was certainly much smaller in person (the little fella went up to my waistline and barely close to that of my taller sister). He was such a precious little guy that I couldn’t help but to hug him like I already knew him the minute he approached. It was a gesture that definitely didn’t sit well with Sammi, who said of it, “Good grief, Angela. You barely know the kid.”
            “After what he’s been through, he deserves one,” I snapped back.
            She went on to make a random comment about Dante and Darren’s middle class status, showing off her deductive skills as usual by observing their home, having only stood in it for a mere minute.
            “Hey, I know you.” Darren said, pointing to her. “You’re the tabloid woman – the one who solves all those weird cases.”
            Sammi gave half a smirk to this recognition. “Is that what the media calls me?”
            “No, it’s what most of everyone on Facebook and Twitter call you.” Darren said, and I couldn’t stifle a chuckle at this. “They think you’re as crazy as the cases you solve.”
            That half smirk on my sister’s face faded, and she swiftly switched to defense mode. “I don’t consider the opinions of a bunch of lazy, Cheeto-finger-sucking virgins as...”
            Knowing the hell that was coming up next, I made the move to step in and say, “Hey, why don’t we focus on helping Dante? You know, the reason we’re here.”
            Sammi nodded in agreement (it’s rare she ever does that) and got her mind back on track. “Right. Darren, call your friends. Let them know about the new dare that Dante has challenged them to.”
            The rest of us were stunned by this plan. “WHAT?”
            Obviously, I had to voice my objections on this idea of hers. “Hold up. I thought we came here to diffuse the issue of these boys forcing Dante to wear his costume every day.”
            “What the hell gave you that impression?” Sammi sourly remarked (I really can’t stand it when she leaves me out of the loop like that). “No, we’re here to get to the bottom of his living cottage, and the only way to do that is to challenge our challengers with a dare of our own.”
            “And what exactly are we daring them to do?” Darren questioned (he sounded just as aggravated over this as I did).
            You couldn’t tell it from her emotionless demeanor, but Sammi certainly loved every second of this. As always, there was a method to her madness. “If Dante spends the entire three hours in the cottage, he has to finally take off the costume and Zack, Cameron, and J.K. themselves must wear their own embarrassing costumes. If Dante fails again, then he has to spend an entire summer camped at the cottage – alone.”
            Darren’s eyes nearly fell from his head, being as wide as they were. “My little brother? Alone? In that cottage?”
            The plan was beyond childish and extreme. But I shouldn’t expect any less from my sister.
            Halloween had arrived, and as much as I wanted to play chaperone for Dante in his trick-or-treating (despite being banned from it), I was one of his escorts to the cemetery. Upon our arrival, Darren warned us that Zack, Cameron, and J.K. will know of our involvement and probably call off the bet. But Sammi had counted on this happening.
            “What do you mean?” I asked her out of curiosity.
            “The vibrations and shaking Dante saw...they happened so close to the anniversary of his first visit that they can’t be coincidence, wouldn’t you think so?”
            I was beginning to see her point. “You mean that it was timely rigged to act out at the precise moment Dante stood near it?”
            The way we were going back and forth (which is how it usually was with us in these cases, when our minds became synced for that one special moment), I completely forgot Darren and his little brother were standing near us. “You guys suspect Zack, Cameron, and J.K. are the ones who’ve been fooling my lil’ bro?” There was a hint of anger I noticed in his voice. It would be best to know for sure what was happening there before we all jumped to conclusions.
            That’s why I was glad to hear Sammi say, “We’re going to find out – and there’s only one way to.”
            By nightfall, Dante was finally inside the cottage. It wasn’t easy getting him inside, but I managed to give him some courage by telling him how Darren, Sammi, and I would be watching close by. Sure enough, we were there, watching closely and carefully (and even cautiously) from the base of an old willow tree. After the first hour, nothing happened - the cottage had not budged whatsoever. I decided to make some conversation with my sister and ask her what did make it move and how three teenage boys would have the resources to pull off such a crafty and (dare I say) scientific prank.
            She dodged answering my question by asking Darren one of her own: “As long as you’ve known those boys, have you known them to take part in any science clubs at your school?”
            Darren snickered. “Those fools don’t even know how to make a potato into a battery.”
            Sammi sighed – more with interest than frustration. “The mystery of this case is growing by the second.”
            The second hour soon passed and, other than Sammi going “Number One” on the gravestone of a notorious slave owner who died in the mid-1800s, still nothing noteworthy had happened. Darren was the one who started conversation, this time with me, asking what I could only call the cutest question I think a young man like him could ever ask me: “What school you attend?”
            I busted out laughing at this unexpected inquiry from the teenager. “I’m sorry?”
            “Your school? What’re you? A junior? A senior?”
            It immediately dawned on me that Darren had (for the whole time we had been there) believed me to be a teenager. It definitely explained the way he scoped me at the front porch of his house, as well as the repeated times I caught him gazing in my direction when I bent over. I had to break it to the poor kid gently. “Oh, sweetheart. I hate to tell ya this, but...I am nowhere near your age. My school days are long behind me.”
            The look on his face was fortunately not the one of heartbreak as I had expected. He was much rather amused than anything else.
            After nearly two minutes in speechless awe of my revelation, he gave the most flattering compliment a woman my age could receive: “You look seventeen!”
            I don’t think I could’ve smiled any bigger from that. “Really? Wow.”
            “How old are you for real?”
            I didn’t answer; instead, I shushed him and said, “Let’s not spoil the moment, shall we?”
            The third and final hour came. Darren had fallen asleep, his head resting on my shoulder at first but then drooping down to my breasts; his mouth was gaped open right over my cleavage, giving way for any drool to fall right in the crevice (thankfully, none came – he wasn’t such a messy sleeper). I was so tired that I didn’t bother moving him; plus, he earned brownie points with me for that sweet compliment earlier. Sammi, on the other hand, had her attention rested on the cottage, which she did not turn away from the entire duration we spent there gazing at it. From the sharpness of her focus on the old structure, I almost believed her to be genuinely concerned for Dante’s well-being.
            “You care,” I softly said, diverting her eyes away from the cottage for only a millisecond.
            “You care...about that poor child in there...don’t you?”
            She glared my way again, her chocolate brown eyes looking like black circles in the night atmosphere. “I only care about something weird and wonderful happening.” Surprisingly, just after she said this, we heard a low, humming noise that sounded like a running electric generator. It came directly from the rear of the cottage. Immediately, I woke Darren up from his peaceful slumber over my bosom, alerting him to the noise. With all three of us attentive, we approached the cottage and discovered chrome, high-tech piece of machinery that looked like one giant air-conditioner (though I’m being rhetorical on this description, Sammi was quick to criticize me on the “pale comparison,” but you catch my drift). Etched on the side of the machine in big, bold, black letters were the words “Szalinski” and “Tech.” My heart skipped a beat in fear of the trigger that had been pulled in my sister’s mind upon seeing the name of the corporation – the memories that sparked from her hellish years in the institution.
            But, to my surprise, Sammi remained completely calm. “Szalinski Tech. The company founded and operated by famous inventor Wayne Szalinski, known for experimentation of cutting-edge technology.” I couldn’t tell if she was reciting this information more for my benefit or Darren’s – possibly his, since I already knew everything I did about Szalinski Tech (except for what Sammi herself knew – but that’s a whole different perspective entirely).
            All of the sudden, there was a scream from inside the cottage, and considering Dante was the only one inside, it was obvious who it was. We did not waste one second of rushing into the cottage – I believe Sammi moved faster than Dante and I had (either she was genuinely concerned for Dante or she wanted to see what scared him – I’m betting on the second one). We ran inside to find our little buddy standing before the strangest scene I have ever witnessed in the three years Sammi and I have been investigating: glowing forms of the Sanderson sisters themselves, looking exactly as they did three hundred and twenty-one years from the last time they roamed the earth.
            “Leave now, weaklings! Or else suffer being turned into itty-bitty snails that we will feast upon!” The manifestation of Winifred threatened through her massive buck teeth.
            Darren and Dante were clinging onto each other with fright, while I stood paralyzed from whatever it was I had seen across from us. Sammi, however, made a defiant stance against the manifestations, boldly declaring, “I deny your existence!” She firmly stood between the sisters and Dante – another gesture that made me question whether or not she was truly watching out for the little guy. “Go ahead – make due on your threat!”
            Winifred’s eyes darted left and right, seemingly hesitant. “Really?”
            “Did I stutter?” Sammi barked.
            The tension in the cottage shifted dramatically from the second Sammi challenged the sisters. I noticed how dumbfounded the sisters were of what to do next and, by the clever grin on Sammi’s face, she had anticipated this reaction. Suddenly, I felt a lot less alarmed and a little more sure of the fact that what we witnessed was another fabrication. I was so relieved that I almost didn’t catch Sammi hurling a wrench (that I presumed she took from the Binford Tools brand toolbox by the generator) at Sarah. It struck her right in the forehead, causing her to exclaim (in a masculine voice), “Aw, damn, man!”
            Darren instantly recognized the voice. “J.K.?”
            Sammi retrieved another item from the left front pocket of her black wool jacket – one that resembled a car remote – and pressed a button on the small device. In a flash, the Sanderson sisters were transformed into Zack, Cameron, and J.K., all of them wearing the witches’ dresses and even makeup (which looked rather disturbing on three teenage Caucasian boys that resembled male versions of the sisters). The minute he saw his so-called “friends” exposed for their cruel prank on his little brother, Darren was furious – ready to charge at his former buddies. Frankly, I didn’t blame him for wanting to, but these boys had to be properly punished for their crime; so I held him back.
            “Their egos are bruised enough.” I told him. “Besides, I have something way better.” With a wicked smile, I took out my smartphone and switched on the camera function, aiming the lens right toward the cross-dressing hooligans. Once I saw the image come into focus on the touchscreen, I snapped the perfect photo that I immediately had posted all over the Internet, from my Facebook page to the Weird and Wonderful site. Seeing what I had done, Darren laughed hysterically. “I’ll email you a copy.”
            While Darren and I were all laughs and high-fives, Sammi remained severely serious over the matter, approaching the boys and questioning them as if she worked for the FBI, pacing left and right in front of them as they stood in line. “Where did you boys manage to get the tech?”
            Zack, Cameron, and J.K. did not say a word, prompting me to walk up to them with my phone, which had the photo I just took of them saved as the desktop background. “You know, fellas, not only can this phone take pictures, but it can also call the police.”
            “It was the tall Polish chick!” Cameron blurted out so fast that I barely noticed that it was him that caved, to the dissatisfaction of his accomplices.
            “What’s her name?” Sammi inquired.
            Zack shook his head as it hung low in shame. “We never found it out.” I could see he was being honest about this, which was why Sammi and I left it alone for right now.
            Although Sammi wanted me to really contact the police to arrest Zack, Cameron, and J.K., I thought it best to just call their parents instead (the boys didn’t really commit any serious crime – they were merely pawns in whatever plot the real person behind this, the “tall Polish chick,” had orchestrated it for). Of course, I did in fact contact the police for the stolen Szalinski Tech property. All of them arrived at the same time, along with Darren and Dante’s parents (who I contacted first to alert them of the boys’ presence at the cemetery, making sure to add that they were safe). Needless to say, Zack, Cameron, and J.K. were strictly punished by their parents (they actually received harsher punishments than Darren and Dante had with theirs); Darren and Dante were cleared of their own, after I had talked their parents over Dante’s problem and why it was important for him to take action – the little fella was only fighting for his dignity.
            Freed from his pumpkin costume, Dante returned to his normal street clothes (an adorable Wreck-It Ralph t-shirt and jeans). To be honest, I had hoped he kept the costume on, since he was allowed to trick-or-treat again; but he told me that he really wanted to go as Iron Man for Halloween. The sweet little guy thanked me for helping him, this time hugging me first.
            He then went to hug Sammi – something that I meant to warn him about. But I was too late.
            “GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!” Her outburst was so fierce and intense that everyone at the busy scene fell silent, all eyes looking to her. I knew it was coming the second I saw Dante’s little arms reach into Sammi’s coat, hoping to have been wrapped around her curved hips. Dante backed away, his hands and lips trembling. Sammi collected herself and returned to that cold, unfeeling creature she always was, telling Dante in one last chilling tone, “I don’t like to be hugged...ever.”
            We watched her turn ever so sharply and walk out through the front gates of the cemetery, hands buried deep in her pockets and head held rigidly upright – the posture of a woman too dignified to admit she has one hell of a stick up her butt. I then looked away from her and to Dante, who had tears falling down his face. One last time, I embraced him, allowing him to cry into the wool on the right shoulder of my jacket. With a heavy sigh, I softly told him, “I’m so sorry, hon. She’s a case of her own that needs fixing.”
Case of the Weird and Wonderful
And now, the exclusive sneak peek of...
            “Troopers to the Conference Room immediately! We have an intrud...”
            Tarkin froze in position the instant that Adrienne muttered the word, his finger still on the com-link button. Vader’s body became rigid with surprise from this display of power the woman possessed; it was nothing he had ever seen any Jedi (or Sith) do before. Tarkin was legitimately still – his eyes not blinking, no part of his body twitching whatsoever, and not even breathing. Yet, he was still alive in some way that alluded Vader. His focus turned to Adrienne, who sat in the chair at the conference table closest to Tarkin, her dirtied, knee-high, high-heeled brown boots resting on the smooth, reflective surface of the table, leaving traces of grime from the grunge-ridden soles.
            Adrienne grinned. “Don’t look so afraid, Vader.” She saw Vader’s head cock to the left curiously, and her grin widened. “Yeah, despite your big, scary black breathing mask, I can see your scared little face.” She pointed to her pale blue eyes that had a piercing, intimidating glare in them. “I’ll admit that I’m not too fond of them – not since this reincarnation started. They tend to scare everyone that passes by, thinking I’m going to rip them a new one or something. But they have one of millions and millions of special x-ray vision.”
            “What are you?” Vader delivered the question that Adrienne heard him and Tarkin ask the many times they attempted to kill her for what she knew about the Sphere.
            His inquiry only offended her. “Oh, don’t play dumb with me, you asthmatic ass! You’ve known for a long time what I am. Our little torture session...your curiosity in the all clued me into what’s really going on here.” She removed her feet from the table and stood up at her full 5’5” height (she looked like a small child compared to the towering half-man/half-machine character standing across the table). “You’ve had contact with a sorceress masquerading around the galaxy as something she’s not...just like me. She goes by the name ‘Dawn.’ Ringin’ a bell?”
            Vader was silent for a long moment. After a couple of short minutes, he confessed, “I was approached by her during my first years as my master’s apprentice. I was captivated by her astounding power...not only in the Force but...something else.” His voice drifted as he reflected on these thoughts. It sounded to Adrienne as if he were caught in a trance.
            And that scared her.
            “She’s more of a danger to you and the rest of the galaxy than the Sphere itself!”
            “You know nothing of them. They are the final solution for the galaxy.”
            Adrienne gave an amused snicker. “You know what’s so disturbing about what you just said? Your ‘final solution’ sounds an awful lot like that of a mini-mustached dude who thought the very same way the Emperor does...and both solutions lead to everyone dying – there is no victor!” She moved dangerously close to Vader, knowing that the intensity in her address to him could lead to assault at any second. Of course, knowing her capabilities, it would have been futile for him to make any sort of attack. “Wake up to what you’re becoming, dammit!”
            “And what am I becoming?”
            “I know things about your future that not even Yoda can see. It’s not as clouded as it’d seem, not to a being like myself. Whether you choose to ditch the Sphere or not, it doesn’t end well for you, man – believe me.”
            What do you know about me?” Vader’s tone was defensive. He towered over Adrienne with fierce intimidation, forcing her to answer.
            Adrienne bit her lower lip, choosing her words carefully. Events had already changed with the Sphere taking its place in this universe. Heaven only knew what else could from what she said next.