Monday, November 23, 2015

Infinite DC - Sneak Peek!

            She was relieved to escape the busy Chinatown street corner, once she was inside what could only be an antique store. Thanks to the translation circuits in her T.A.R.D.I.S., she knew this for certain, as the Chinese symbols imprinted on the entrance door deciphered as “Wing’s Antiques.”

            The shop was lit by an assortment of candles. Most of the antiques were almost as old as she was. Some of it she recognized from visits to time periods on Earth with the Doctor. An ancient gold dragon chalice here and a samurai sword there. If she had the money, she would purchase the chalice and find a place for it in the console room as a memento. She foresaw many of them to come in her new journey ahead.

            At the moment of her arrival, Mr. Wing – the elderly shopkeeper – was engaged in an argument with his grandson, a boy who looked to heavily embrace the American culture with his New York Yankees baseball cap.

            “You should not have sold Mogwai to inventor,” Wing told his grandson.

            “But, Grandfather, we made two hundred dollars out of him!”

            “Mogwai dangerous to society. Just listen.”

            Wing turned up the volume on an old radio just near them.

            Candace’s ears perked at the unusual broadcast: calls of strange creatures terrorizing a town named Kingston Falls. At first, the radio D.J. believed the calls to be a hoax, inappropriate to the Christmas season, until he himself was attacked on-air by one of the creatures.

            “You see the danger that comes in irresponsibility over Mogwai?” Wing scolded to his grandson. “It must be brought back here, where it safe.”

            Admittedly, curiosity got the better of Candace.

            “I’ll get this Mogwai for you, sir,” she said, making her presence there known to Wing and his grandson. His eyes, mismatched in color with one pale blind eye and the other dark brown, centered on her. She stiffened like a board from the judgmental glare they gave. “You can trust me,” she added, hoping to change his expression.

            Wing’s demeanor did shift to slight amusement, chuckling at Candace’s assurance.

            “Trust what caused misfortune,” he said. “Trust betrayed by inventor…and grandson. They do with Mogwai what society has done with all of nature’s gifts: they do not understand.”

            Candace snickered. “Tell me about it. A prime example in the corruption of Earth humans.”

            Her intriguing statement drew much interest in Wing, his focus on the middle-aged woman growing with more intent. He approached her, shadowed by her distinguishing height. She was rather fit for her age, her biceps stretching the sleeves of her long red knitted coat. She had the appearance of a fierce warrior, even in her beautifully aging face.

            But there was something more that caught Wing’s eye.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

World of Disney 5 - What's Coming?

Firstly, HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY TO WORLD OF DISNEY! The series first began on with the prologue to the first installment of this series on April 16, 2010! If you haven't yet read it, check it out here!

Now onto the business at hand...

Although the fourth installment of the World of Disney series has yet to make its debut, the fifth one is currently in early development for a possible Summer 2016 release online. Here's a taste of all that you can expect to see in WOD5 next year...

1. Meet the New Heroine - Vanessa!

Inspired by and based on the talented voice actress Vanessa Marshall (the voice behind memorable characters like Irwin from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Mary Jane Watson in The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Hera Syndulla of Star Wars Rebels), Vanessa will be the primary protagonist of WOD5 based on the remarkable talents she brings to the characters she has portrayed in animation, as well as her true-life character. She has been introduced already in World of Disney 3 as a reincarnation of the series' secondary hero, Sean Thomas, and has even shared scenes with her Rebels character, Hera. Vanessa's character brings a delicate balance of humor and drama to the story with her quirky, unpredictable persona and her warm, loving heart. WOD5 is the second of many future installments to come in the series that centers on Vanessa as the main character (other planned stories include Marvel Evolution, the 2016 sequel to Marvel Mayhem, and Tales from the Battlefront, a miniseries that follows World of Disney 3, set to debut online this December - just in time for Star Wars: The Force Awakens). The origins of her rebirth will be explored in The Disney Access.

2. New and Old Amalgamated Reincarnations Enter the Mix

First introduced in the seventh chapter of Marvel Mayhem, "amalgamated reincarnations" are reincarnations that have fused with a version of Sean Thomas from an alternate timeline, sharing his body and thoughts (think of the DC Comics character Firestorm) but appearing in their own form. In WOD5, we will be introduced to the 120th amalgamated reincarnation self-named "Marcia" (based on and inspired by athlete/model Marcia Olsen-White), born from an incident that occurs in The Disney Access. Being an alter-ego of Sean Thomas, Marcia retains much of his sense of compassion, bravery, and common sense, yet she inherits a bit of narcissism, due to the empowering physique that she also inherits from her reincarnation. Much of the humor (and conflict) in WOD5 stems from Marcia and her strong desire to prove herself as a "tough girl" (at the behest of the voice of Sean Thomas himself reasoning to her in her mind). She takes on Valkyrie-styled armor at times of battle (based on suggestion from Marcia Olsen-White, who is of Norse ancestry). Paired with Vanessa, the two opposite reincarnations find that their strength is fueled by the love they share for Sean's grandson, Benji. Much like Vanessa's, Marcia's character is planned to appear in subsequent stories, including Marvel Evolution.

Also, returning for what will be her fourth appearance in the series, is Natalie Nicole, who was introduced as the very first amalgamated reincarnation in Marvel Mayhem. Natalie has quickly become my personal favorite character to write in the series, with so much story to tell in her character and her struggle in dealing with dual identities, which hinders the life her "better half" (Sean Thomas) wishes to have with his wife and child. Meanwhile, the real Natalie has been a wonderful support for her character and the WOD series as a whole. Fun fact: she is also an actress, appearing in films such as Final Destination IV, Disney/Touchstone's Wild Hogs, and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Her independent film from 2011, Free Spirits, is a must-see!

3. JeniLynn Finally Makes Her Return!

After making her surprise appearance in the climax of Tales of the Disneyverse, the "ultimate amalgamated reincarnation" self-named "JeniLynn" (based on and inspired by Disney Parks analyst JeniLynn Knopp) will return in WOD5. Unfortunately, she won't quite be herself, mentally living under the persona of "Moxie," a gangster-style patron who works at the Ink and Paint Club in the 1930s setting of Who Framed Roger Rabbit (see #6 below). The "Moxie" character is based on one Knopp performed at Capone's, a 1930s Chicago-themed restaurant in Kissimmee, Florida. She retired the character once she retired from her performances, but now Moxie will make her presence known next year in WOD5 as the alternate identity of JeniLynn. The story will also jump into the question of whether or not JeniLynn can exist as her own reincarnation, a fusion of all the lives Sean Thomas has lived as Guardian of the Disneyverse, or something else entirely.

4. Joanie Navarro-Thomas Will Be Back, Too...Sort Of!

Our faithful hero who began the epic journey far back in the first World of Disney story has been through quite a bit - she has died three times, she once lost her power to her mother (but got them back in the end), faced countless threats within the Disneyverse, battled the most fearsome of Disney Villains, and a lot of other stuff that goes too far into spoiler territory. Speaking of which, the following details on Joanie's return in WOD5 contain MAJOR SPOILERS, so read on with precaution...

Still with me? O.K. Here goes...

In The Marvelous World: World of Disney 2, it was revealed that Joanie had passed on and was reborn into a new body (named "Gigi" by the story's secondary protagonist, Agent Sean Livingston). Ultimately, Gigi herself died, and it was believed Joanie had a short-lived time in her reincarnation cycle, unlike her son Sean Thomas (who has reincarnated in several forms - both original and amalgamated). This isn't the case, however, as "Terr Essa" - Joanie's second reincarnation (a Jedi Master in the Star Wars universe) - is introduced in World of Disney 3. In her final moments of realizing what she really is, Terr Essa reincarnates into a third form that will go on to be named "Taryn" (based on and inspired by Taryn Hendler - photograph above) and play a huge role in saving Fantasia from its imminent destruction.

Coming off her time-twisted adventure in The Disney Access, Taryn will be featured alongside the main heroes of WOD5, still possessing the memories and thoughts of the groovy purple-haired woman she once used to be while keeping the future generations of her family in check.

5. Reunions Through Past Characters and Projects

While WOD5 will feature new faces, it will also feature some other familiar ones as well with Brandy Wine (returning from her role in the very first World of Disney story) and Jatniel Gonzalez (who I have previously worked with in the Disney Ghostbusters series from 2008 to 2014). The two are featured in WOD5 as a married couple and the parents of Benji. Controversy arises in the fact that Brandy (who is Caucasian) and Jatniel (who is Hispanic) have given birth to an African-American child, which is due to a trait in the family lineage of the Thomas family, in which (every now and then) there is a child born strictly from the genes of the one who began the line (in this case, that one being Tomas, a character introduced in World of Disney 3 and the great-grandfather of Benji). While the family has coped with this diversity over the years Benji has existed, another obstacle finds its way in their path when Benji shows to possess another genetic trait - one he inherits from his grandfather, who in turn inherited it from his mother and Benji's great-grandmother - that is introduced in The Disney Access and explored further in WOD5. Despite this drama, there is much humor and fun to be found from the roles Brandy and Jatniel play in the story, most of it from their interactions with Vanessa, Natalie and Marcia, who each represent sides of the man they call father and father-in-law. This, as well as Jatniel's inability to understand 20th century slang or pop culture references.

Although WOD5 is the first story to feature Jatniel as a major character, he has already made his first appearance as a minor character in World of Disney 3, alongside both Marcia and Benji, their presences providing somewhat of a preview to their characters, much like Vanessa's has.

6. Three Huge Disney Properties Will Be Featured

The first three World of Disney stories have each featured some type of property that The Walt Disney Company owns as the primary setting: World of Disney had the Muppets, The Marvelous World: World of Disney 2 had the Marvel Universe, and World of Disney 3 currently has the Star Wars Universe. While The Disney Access is only set to return to the Muppet universe for now (its story going back to the stage set in the very first), WOD5 will have its hands full with not one, not two, but three worlds based on Disney properties.

The world of Who Framed Roger Rabbit functions as the main setting for the first half of WOD5's plot with Judge Doom (the film's villain, played by the brilliant Christopher Lloyd) as the main antagonist, following in the evil footsteps of Snow White's Evil Queen, Doctor Facilier, Darth Vader, and Pete. Roger Rabbit's setting is an extension in the overall theme of The Disney Access, the plot of which centers on the question of if the real world and animated world can ever coexist. It will not be the same story as we know from the 1988 film, which saw the animated characters living among the live-action ones freely. Instead, they are segregated and forced to live within their own boundaries; this, of course, being the drive in Judge Doom's sinister plot, which is the opposite of that from the movie, intending to give a home for the toons rather than take it from them while eradicating the human population piece-by-piece. The Dip still plays a part in the story, only not in favor of Doom, who will invent yet another wicked device against humans called "The Face Eater," the functions of which will push WOD5's family-friendly rating.

In addition to the racism towards toons expressed in the 1940s setting of Roger Rabbit, typical racism will also be shown particularly towards Benji, a 21st century child who does not fully comprehend the concept of despising one for their skin color (neither that for a living cartoon), as well as Natalie, whose genetic makeup is Native American.

For the first time ever in the World of Disney series, the world of Kingdom Hearts gets intermingled with the plot of WOD5 as the franchise's hero Sora finds his way into the adventure undertaken by Vanessa, Marcia, Brandy, Jatniel, Natalie, Taryn, and Benji. The involvement of KH adds an interesting dimension (literally) to not just the story but the WOD series as a whole, as it will explore the idea of a universe parallel to the Disneyverse, meaning that many Disney characters introduced in previous stories are reintroduced by their KH counterparts, including Donald and Goofy. How will the Keyblade Wielder react to the Guardian of the Disneyverse (and vice versa)? You'll have to read to find out.

Last but certainly not least, another Disney property that has made a name for itself in exploring countless worlds based on Disney known as Once Upon a Time will find our main characters journeying into its world in the second half of WOD5's plot with Storybrooke as the main setting. With Lost playing a vital role in World of Disney and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. playing one in the WOD spinoff Marvel Mayhem, OUAT will be the third Disney-ABC television show that plays a part in a World of Disney story. How it will is still in development, but you can count on Emma Swan having a strong connection to Sora and Vanessa (two other saviors) that will lead into a bigger story to come after WOD5.

Which brings us to...

7. World of Disney 6?

As I stated in a previous blog, the World of Disney series is one that can move on for eternity. But what story can follow up on the juggernaut that will be World of Disney 5? It really depends on how WOD5 ends with the Once Upon a Time world involved. By the point of its introduction, our heroes will have gone so deep down the rabbit hole of parallel universes that their next mission will certainly be to return to their own home and time. Yet how will that go down? Let's first see through The Disney Access and World of Disney 5 both we cross that bridge.

To all those who have read the stories out of the World of Disney series in the last five years, thank you! Here's to another five down the road!

Be sure to check in to the Facebook page for more updates!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Star Wars Rebels = The Ultimate Cure for Coping with Loss

Last week, I lost my father - Benjamin Thomas Livingston - after complications following his triple bypass surgery. The experience has left a profound effect on my family, as we've been coping with this loss in different ways. My mother has been hit the hardest by it for completely understandable reasons but has remained strong throughout. As for myself, I have found solace in the fact that my father is no longer in the pain he was, neither is he suffering from being in a catatonic state due to his surgery. This and several friends who I consider like family to me sending comfort in condolences, prayers, and love - one of these friends being Miss Vanessa Marshall.

Last month, Vanessa sent my mother an autographed photo of her character Hera from the Disney XD program Star Wars Rebels - a super-kind gesture that has not since been forgotten among my family. The day that the photograph arrived in the mail, it was my father who got it first and gave it to my mother to open (she had no idea at the time what it was because I wanted to keep it secret a whole 23 days before Christmas). At the time, I was a little disappointed that I had not gotten to the package first and my mother opened her gift earlier than expected, but I'm thankful for it now because my father got to see how great of a friend I have in Vanessa.

Vanessa has been an amazing support in my life in the last eight months we've followed each other on Twitter and befriended over Facebook. She is more than a talented actress and celebrity; she is a very kind-hearted woman who has continued to bring a smile on my mother's face, even in this time of tragedy for my family. While my father was in recovery from his surgery, I asked Vanessa to keep him in her prayers, and she did just that (I sincerely believe hers were the strongest among the many I received). But our Heavenly Father called on my father's spirit at a time when his body could no longer bear the agony he has gone through in the time prior to his surgery.

The morning following that restless night me and my mother spent hours after my father passed away, "Idiot's Array" - the episode of Rebels that aired on my father's last night on Earth - rebroadcasted on Disney XD. I was in and out of sleep, and so was my mother, so I decided to leave it on the channel to watch the episode. Watching it brought some ease over my mother, and she eventually drifted off to sleep. Now I know that normally when someone falls asleep watching a program is sign of said program being "boring," but, in this case, Rebels (a show that my mother loves dearly) helped her to find peace enough to rest, following the loss of her husband/my father.

Star Wars Rebels is an incredible show, not only because of the amazing cast and characters, but the story as well. Since I first saw Star Wars in late 1996 on VHS, I have loved virtually every movie, video game, comic book, or TV show that has been made from the franchise. My mother has been a longer fan than I, having lived through the age of both the original trilogy and the prequels (she's very much looking forward to the next installment, coming this December). She loves the character Hera, who she has a commonality with (rightfully so, since Hera is considered the mother of the Ghost crew), as well as the voice (beautifully done by Vanessa). A couple of nights ago, I caught her (fully consciously) watching "Idiot's Array," which she was able to get around to checking out after such a heavy week of making arrangements for my father's funeral, which we held last Saturday. It was the most relaxed I have seen her all week.

Rebels is more than just a show for my mother and me these days; it is a sign that the days ahead of us, without the comfort of my father's physical presence near us, are going to be just fine. In retrospect, the show's main players (Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb, and especially Ezra) have all lost someone in their lives but found each other through hope. They are a family all of their own. There's a scene at the end of the pilot episode in which Kanan listens to a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi. My brother, who turns 39 this Saturday, mentioned how my father is like Obi-Wan, a wise old warrior that has become a spirit that still guides us in the afterlife. Ironically, both men's nicknames are "Old Ben." ;-)

For the cast and crew of Star Wars Rebels that get a chance to read this blog, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such an excellent show that has helped a mother and her son cope with the loss of a loved one.